Bazhong business community to discuss the construction of smart cities

  Xinhua News Agency, Rio de Janeiro, March 18 (Reporter Chen Weihua Zhao Yan)The Brazilian China Smart City Forum hosted by the Brazilian Foreign Trade Chamber of Commerce and the Brazil China Institute of Innovation Economic Research Institute was held in Rio de Janeiro on the 18th.Participants discussed cooperation opportunities around smart cities construction and development experience.

  The forum focuses on the two major themes of clean energy and smart transportation. It can be discussed on topics such as renewable energy, sustainable development, and future urban transportation to promote green development and bring well -being to the people of the two countries.

  Perrara, vice chairman of the Brazilian Foreign Trade Chamber of Commerce, said that the city’s transformation in the next few years is facing multiple challenges. Therefore, “what to discuss now is no longer how to define smart cities, but to clarify that in the future, only smart cities may be sustainable in the future.And how to build a smart city. “

  Tian Min, the Consul General of China in Rio de Janeiro, said that China and Brazil are the largest developing countries in the Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere respectively. It is the common pursuit of the two countries.Promoting the high -quality development of cities with new productivity is a key measure to promote urban green low -carbon transformation and development.

  2024 is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil.Tian Min believes that by hosting the Smart City Forum, the advanced technology and achievements of China -Pakistani countries in the fields of energy, environment, communication, logistics, etc., will jointly look forward to the sustainable development prospects of smart cities.Connotation.