Is the food business license expired, is it equivalent to "unlicensed operation"?


Can the elevator regular inspection be instead of self -inspection?Regular testing, can we not test it by ourselves?


no.According to the Special Equipment Safety Law, the regular inspection system of special equipment refers to the approved institutions with special equipment inspection qualifications. In accordance with the requirements of relevant safety technical specifications, regular inspections of special equipment in use to verify whether it meets whether it meets it.Continue to use safely.

Regular inspection is a technical supervision, a legal and verifiable work, and self -testing is a related testing and inspection service conducted by the unit or its entrusted unit, and it is responsible for the use of the unit. The work requirements should also be.Comply with the requirements of safety technical specifications.

Therefore, regular inspections cannot be used for self -test.

In addition, the “Elevator Supervision and Regular Inspection Rules” and “Elevator Self -Testing Rules” have clearly stipulated the cycle of the elevator regular inspection and self -testing. Special equipment inspection institutions and use units shall conduct regular inspections or self -test according to the requirements of the rules.Essence


My food business license has expired. Is it equivalent to “unlicensed operation” if continuing to open a store?


Yes, if the food operators engaged in catering services and the food business license have not been applied for continuation, the “Food Safety Law” is suitable for Article 122 of the Food Safety Law.


We are a food company and recently replaced the name of the company. Can the old food production of food production before?


Based on the principles of saving resources and reasonable use, the same market entity has been used for 6 months after the company name is changed.


We are a food manufacturer. If we want to set up a self -inspection laboratory, do we need to obtain?


Food production enterprises can set up a self -inspection laboratory to implement factory inspections on food produced.Equipment, personnel management, and inspection operations that are expected by the factory shall meet the requirements of relevant laws and regulations and standards.


Isn’t the honey we raised belonging to agricultural products?Do you need a food business license?


According to the “People’s Republic of China Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Law” and “Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China” on the definition of edible agricultural products and agricultural product sales regulations, edible agricultural products refer to primary products from agricultural, that is, plants, animals, microorganisms obtained in agricultural activities,And its products, their own honey is agricultural products.Selling edible agricultural products does not require food permits.

Original title: “Food business license has expired, is it equivalent to” unlicensed operation “?”