National Health and Health Commission: The refrigerator is not a safe for food. A large amount of food in the refrigerator is not desirable

On June 21, the National Committee of Health and Health held a press conference to introduce the situation of seasonal solar terms and health.Liu Zhaoping, deputy director of the Food Safety Evaluation Center of the National Health and Health Commission, reminded that the refrigerator is not a safe for food. It is not advisable to buy a large amount of food in the refrigerator at one time.

Liu Zhaoping, Deputy Director of the Food Safety Evaluation Center of the National Health and Health Commission

Liu Zhaoping said that under the high temperature and humidity in summer, bacterial molds are prone to breeding.If storage, processing, and food are not in place, food -oriented diseases may be triggered.For summer, food -oriented diseases are mainly caused by bacteria.For some areas southwest of my country, poisonous mushroom poisoning is also more common.

Liu Zhaoping emphasized that the main method of preventing food -based diseases is to follow the five basic principles of food safety, that is, the temperature of maintaining cleaning, cooked ripening, cooked cooking, and ensuring food safety, while using safe water and raw materials.He particularly reminded that for vegetable beans and self -made soy milk, they must be cooked before eating.

For how to store and deal with food properly, Liu Zhaoping talked about the principles of refrigerator refrigeration and freezing, raw cooked separation, and avoiding cross -pollution. It is recommended that foods refrigerate according to categories, such as cooked food and milk of the upper layers.Meat and raw fish.

Liu Zhaoping particularly reminded that some families are used to buying a lot of food in the refrigerator at one time and take them out when they eat it. In fact, this is not a desirable way.This is because the low -temperature refrigerator of the refrigerator can inhibit the growth of some bacteria, but some bacteria are not afraid of cold or frozen. For example, Single Liste bacteria can grow and reproduce at 0 degrees.In addition, the leftovers left in the refrigerator must be fully heated and then consumed.

“In daily life, we must use the role of the refrigerator in ensuring food safety, but also realize that the refrigerator is not a safe for food.” Liu Zhaoping said.

In addition, wild mushrooms are easy to grow in summer, so wild poisonous mushroom poisoning is the most common and highest.Liu Zhaoping pointed out that the most important reason for poisonous mushroom poisoning is that some eater are too blind and confident, and always think that he has picked up mushrooms that he can eat, so he reminded that the public must not have a chance, and you must eat wild wildness.Mushrooms.

Regarding the risk of preventing intestinal infectious diseases and paying attention to food hygiene, at the meeting, Chang Zhaorui, a researcher at the China Disease Prevention and Control Center, also emphasized that it is necessary to eat less cold dishes as possible, especially in restaurants that are difficult to guarantee for hygiene conditions, and when traveling, and tourist attractionsEssence

Red Star reporter Hu Yiwen Beijing report

(Source: Red Star News)