Shopping mall and supermarket separate management of Ito Yang Huatang wants to break through the area consumption

The North Fourth Ringhoto Ito Yokang project is about to be upgraded.On June 20, a reporter from Beijing Commercial Daily exclusively interviewed Beijing Huayan Yanghua Hall Business Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Beijing Huayang Huatang”), the general manager of Arai Daza, also learned that next, Ito Yoshidang Huatang Asian Games Village Store will be carried out.Commodity group goods, shopping environment, catering stores and other aspects.In more than 20 years when Ito Yanghua Hall has entered China, the Chinese physical retail industry has undergone tremendous changes, and Ito Yang Huatang has also reduced from 11 to 1 in Beijing.Nowadays, the commercial environment has continued to change, and the non -standard business and experience space are popular, and Ito Yang Huatang has reached the time when it has to be changed.However, after cooperating with Xinchen Commercial Group, whether it can revitalize the project and further drive the atmosphere of the Asianship business district, it remains to be seen.

Supermarkets and malls are operated separately

The Asian Games Village Store of Ito Yato is about to usher in a big change.A reporter from the Beijing Commercial Daily visited the project. At present, the supermarkets of all areas and negatives of the shopping mall are still open normally, and some brands have posted promotional slogans for full -reduction promotional activities.Although the operation on the court is as usual, many merchants have revealed that after the settlement of Xinchen Commercial Group, the brand’s aspects of the rent and the rent and lease of the mall and the shopping mall re -negotiating.

Not long ago, a reporter from Beijing Commercial Daily learned from Xinchen Commercial Group that Beijing Huayang Huayang signed a contract with Xinchen Commercial Group.Commercial groups are responsible for operation.When it comes to the reason for the cooperation, Arai also told the Beijing Business Daily reporter that “the current consumer demand has changed rapidly. It is difficult to fully satisfy the strength of (Beijing Huayanguyang Huatang).”

According to the plan, the project will be combined with the changes in consumers in the business district to upgrade the commodity group goods, shopping environment, catering stores and other aspects.Araki also revealed that in the future, the negative supermarket will continue the name of “Huayan Yanghuatang Food Museum”, but for the name of the entire shopping mall and more adjustment details, it is still communicating with Xinchen Commercial Group.It has not been finalized.

Beijing Huayang Huatang has laid out multiple projects in Beijing.According to public information, in April 1998, Ito Yang Huatang opened the first department store store in Beijing in Shilibao. Since then, it once owned 11 stores in the Beijing market, including in March 2013 in Shimao, Sanlitun Shimao.Food gallery.

However, since 2014, Beijing Huayangyang Huatang has closed in Beijing stores, and has closed Wushuatong, Wangjing Store, Beiyuan Store, etc. successively.Until the closure of Feng Taipei Road Store in 2017, Ito Yang Huatang left the Asian Games Village Store in Beijing.Today, the next development direction of the Asian Games village store has not completely surfaced.

Fast market update

As the “consumer demand changes rapidly”, which is also mentioned by Araki, it has undergone tremendous changes in the Chinese physical retail industry for more than 20 years in Beijing for more than 20 years.From the increase in middle class, the increase in purchasing power to the popularity of e -commerce shopping, and consumer transfer positions, people’s requirements for stores have also changed from one -stop destinations to leisure and fun experience space.

In fact, Beijing Huayang Huatang has also tried to adjust the project through its own efforts.In May 2018, the Asian Games Village Store has reduced the proportion of goods trafficking, increasing catering, education, and entertainment projects, and introducing brands that serve community residents and white -collar workers in the community residents and white -collar workers;On the month, the Asian Games village store tried to focus on the takeaway business of foods such as Japanese bento, and within less than a month of trial operation, the category was expanded from more than 50 to more than 500.However, a reporter from the Beijing Commercial Daily found that during the visit to work on working days, it was found that only supermarkets and catering areas were relatively lively in the project, and there were fewer customers in retail and children’s areas.

According to Yang Qingsong, Secretary -General of the China Department Store Business Association, Ito Yang Huatang did not seize the development trend in time during the layout of Beijing.”First, in the digital stage, Ito Yanghua Hall’s overall digitalization ability is weak, and online channels are lacking. For example, parking coupons have always been handmade coupons in the early stage, and later changed to scan the code. The second is the experience stage.Make a large adjustment, increase catering, children and other formats, increase the rest area, etc., but the movements are relatively slow and have lost many opportunities, “said Yang Qingsong.

In response to the challenges encountered during the development of the project, the barren well also frankly said that “it is not a question of ability, but a problem of speed.”correspond.Against this background, Beijing Huayang Huatang’s choice of cooperation with Xinchen Commercial Group is also based on its experience in business transformation.

It is understood that the projects operated by Xinchen Commercial Group in Beijing include Xinchenli Asian Games Village Store, Bitao Buy Life Plaza, and Xinchenli Xueqing Road Store.Among them, Bi Taomai Life Plaza, located in Jiuxian Bridge, was transformed from the original Lotte Mart project; Xinchenli Xueqing Road Store was formerly Shengxi 8. It was cooperated with Xinchen Commercial Group and Wumi Group to upgrade and reconstruction.

Create differentiated advantages

For a long time, there have been fewer commercial projects in the Asia -Austrian business district and insufficient richness. It is mainly based on Xin’ao Shopping Center and Anzhen Huanyuhui, which is difficult to match with consumer demand in the region.In recent years, with the opening of a number of new projects, the Asia -Austrian business district has been further activated.Since 2023, “Park -style Commercial” Linao City Park Shopping Center, DT51, Beitou Shopping Park and Beichenhui, which focus on consumption of high -end family communities, have brought new consumption content to the region.

In the new pattern, higher requirements have also been put on business projects.Guo Zengli, director of the Development Committee of the China Purchase Union Shopping Center, believes that the current Asao business district has become more comprehensive and diverse in both consumer demand and consumer population, and it is necessary to strictly follow the basic principles of great value and cost performance and quality.Retail companies do put forward professional requirements higher than the past.

It is worth noting that Xinchen Commercial Group’s Xinchenli Asian Games Village Store is less than 2 kilometers away from Ito Yang Huatang project.Yang Qingsong believes that after cooperating with Beijing Huayang Huatang, Xinchen Commercial Group is conducive to reducing the “inside”.He said that the customer base of the two projects overlap is very high, but Xinchenli has a larger proportion of experience in the format, and Ito Yayang retail formats are more.If the project in the business district can achieve differentiated competition, it will help exert their respective advantages and leave consumption in the business district.

Although the development of Ito Yayang in Beijing is more ups and downs, it has maintained attention and popularity in the Chengdu market.In this regard, Guo Zengli said that the development differences between Ito Yang Huatang in the two places also further verified the complexity of the Chinese retail market, the differences in different cities, and the importance of cooperating with all partners in the upstream and downstream.Both must be combined with local conditions and adapting due to people, not only to accurately match regional needs and urban characteristics, but also have sufficient environmental strain ability and development toughness.